BePresentPDX/ Philip Yassenoff

Affordable & Effective Coaching for Personal and Business Transitions

Philip Yassenoff, coach and consultant at BePresentPDX

I’m Philip Yassenoff. I provide coaching to help you change perspective, maintain integrity, and find clarity during challenging times.

Coast landscape pointliist photo illustrating perspective and clarity


Where we stand, how we view a problem, helps us find effective solutions. Changing your perspective changes your solutions.


Making changes, but losing yourself in the process is not really a win. Maintaining your integrity is essential for any path you choose.


When we get stuck in the old, things get murky. An essential goal of this work is to find clarity and then operate from a position of strength.

Build, Discover, and Reflect

black and white photo of stacked Jenga blocks, symbolizing building on strengths


Identify and build on your strengths. Take healthy risks, think strategically, and use skills you enjoy using.

Aerial image of winding road through dense red forest

Find (discover)…

Choose a path that matters; one that holds mystery and maybe a bit of magic. It’s your path.

Pen laying on blank page, waiting for the writer to reflect on the day


Growth is often a zigzag process. We need to stop moving and reflect. Coaching affords that opportunity.